i. Background of the organization:
The organization (Seba Sangha) was established in 1977 as a local Non- Government Organization. Since it has been associated with the voluntary activities mainly based on disadvantaged and vulnerable women and children in the locality. With the aim of serving poor people with women and with the view to providing them with multi-dimensional support and assistance the founder with his whole hearted devotion, established this organization. The founder (M. Anisur Rahman) with some like minded associates of the locality started identifying the basic needs of the have not’s of the working area and took in hand different activities basing health and sanitation program. Non formal education program enviromnent conservation. Drug prevention and control program, prevention of child and women trafficking program, Mother and child Health Care, WV/Aids learning program, Human Rights and Legal Aids, Disabled Rehavitation, Arsenic Mitigation Activities program four upozillas of the project are inhabited with mostly down trodden people. The population of the project area about 50% is disadvantaged women. Here women are very much neglected by the male members of the families. It has therefore been considered by the organization to devote itself for community based development perspective the women community.
ii. Vision of the Organization:
Positive change of socio-economic status of the uprooted illiterate under privileged people through income generating activities providing quality health services establishing human rights gender equity, to make literate the illiterate people and many kinds of training and awareness building program.
iii. Type of Organization:
The SEBA SANGHA is a non political, non-profit voluntary development organization. Its a project oriented local implementing NGO.
iv. Objectives:
To mobilize and organize the target peoples in to group to develop unity, solidarity among them and thus develop a collective strength and institutional bases so that they can ensure their individual and collective development.
Concretizing the poor people about their needs and interest.
To develop consciousness and awareness among the target peoples about the social systems and their position in it.
To make literate the illiterate group members and other male and female of program villages for confidence building and participation in development.
To alleviate acute poverty of the protest group members through supporting them in their in come-generating activities.
To cooperate in improvement of lives disabled people especially the disabled children through providing them various support sand services.
Awareness building programs to prevention of child and women trafficking.
Awareness building to drug prevention of control.
To create awareness and develop leadership among them selves by organizing.
v. Target Peoples :
Poor and disadvantaged vulnerable women and children in the locality organization. here women are very much neglected by the male members of the families. It has been considered by the organization to devote it self fact community based development perspective the women community.
vi. Mission Statement:
A very large part of the peoples of the society have been poor and underprivileged. These people have no rights, vast of them illiterate, no health services access to them and are exploited them in various ways. In this situation, the organization will cooperate with these poor and underprivileged people especially the women and children in the progress of development and improvement of theft overall socio-economic conditions.
vii. Implementation Strategy :
To active the objectives of Seba Sangha the following strategic have been adopted :
i. The organization has identified the project area according to the principle of organization in collaboration with the worker and villager and elite person of the society.
ii. To involve and co-ordinate with the elite-person, social work beneficiaries, voluntary imitation for proper implementation of program.
iii. Provision for co-operative education, develop leadership, formation of rein evitable capital and proper training.
iv. Identification of non-farm and off-farm activities with a view to crating job opportunities and increasing production.
v. To identification the target people in collaboration with the social worker and of organization.
vi. Undertaking rural community based health, nutrition, sanitation and family planning activities.
vii. Creation of awareness through non-formal education, adult literacy, seminar courtyard Meeting and other media.
viii. Preparation of comprehensive rural resources book and leaflet, poster and multiple application of the same.
ix. Preparation and implementation of comprehensive according to project.
x. Micro credit support for capital formation according to project.
Legal aid support for the tortured woman and child to preserve their social rights and to control trafficking.
Viii Registration :
Registration No. Social Welfair/Jessore/164/79 Date-27-12-1979.
ix. Net working Membership :
a) CCHRB (co-coordinating council for Human rights in Bangladesh.
b) BEN (Bangladesh Ecovillage network).
c) NFOWD (National forum of organiation with the Disabled).
d) JTS (Jatio Tarem Sangha)
e) Bangladesh Anti-Drug Fedration NGos.
f) NGO Forum.
g) Rights, Jessore.
h) Srizony Bangladesh.
x. Financial and Training Support :
1) UNICEF, 2) NGO Frum, 3) DAM, 4) Rights Jessore, 5) CCHRB, 6) WAY, WHO and JTS, 7) UNESCO and Dam, 8) VHSS, 9) Healthlink and Srizony, 10) IRI (International Republican institute), 11) MINA, 12) DNFE, 13) IGTYE, 14) UNDCP, 15) Social welfare, 16) Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation and water supply Project (BAMWSP), 17) Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bagura, 18) Bangladesh NGO Foundation (BNF), 19) Ministry of health & family welfare, 20) Ministry of Youth.